Young ladies Hockey – Body Checking Battle

The issue of body-checking in young ladies hockey generally starts a warmed discussion. The individuals who backing putting full inquiring into ladies’ hockey accept that this will encourage young ladies to play with their heads up and forestall a ton of the genuine wounds that are occurring out on the ice from both unintentional and purposeful contact. Be that as it may, could adding body inquiring into female hockey make it more secure for players or could it cause more damage than great?

I for one don’t really accept that that body checking 兒童疫苗計劃  ought to be added once again into the female game, yet I in all actuality do believe that young ladies hockey players should be shown how to endure a shot appropriately, as well as how to start body contact appropriately. Young ladies are getting hit and getting injured in view of their failure to shield themselves from body contact and something should be finished.

Playing “Heads-Up” Hockey

Young ladies need to figure out how to play “heads-up” hockey and putting body inquiring into the game seems like the simplest method for showing this ability to players. When a player gets run over in mid-ice or gets the breeze taken out of her from a bone-smashing check against the sheets, she will “learn” to keep her head up to safeguard herself. While I don’t completely contradict this “intense test time” approach to encouraging players to safeguard themselves, actually most of wounds in young ladies’ hockey are going on from accidental contact and are not due to purposeful checking. Young ladies’ hockey players are not getting injured in light of the fact that their rivals are attempting to hip-actually take a look at them through the blocks or covering them at the blue-line for the success. Young ladies are getting injured engaging for the puck along the sheets and before the net.

One of the main explanation young ladies are getting injured by this coincidental contact is that they come up short on mindfulness that they will get hit. At the point when a men’s hockey player is skating down the ice, he is continuously thinking, “I will get hit”. For young ladies’ hockey players, this thought seldom enters their thoughts. They will quite often skate with their heads down, looking and “fishing” for the puck, instead of playing the heads-up style of hockey that is basic for endurance in the men’s down. In the event that young ladies aren’t playing with their heads up, they are absent to what’s happening around them and won’t be prepared for contact.

Playing “heads-up” hockey implies that you will actually want to see contact coming. When young ladies hockey players know about the way that they could get hit, they have 3 choices for managing contact.

1) Get far removed: This is consistently the most secure and sharpest choice, yet there isn’t dependably the existence for this to be conceivable.

2) Take the overwhelming power of the hit: This is the latent choice and the most perilous one. Tragically, most young ladies are not shown how to manage contact appropriately and this is the choice that they take most frequently.